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July 2017 
July 2017 
July 2017 
July 2017 

2017 - 2018

We tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost.

We organise story installations, storytelling workshops, acoustic cinema nights and a series of events, where a selection of stories are translated into food, music and art objects.

​We also run the Berlin Story Hub and two monthly live radio shows dedicated to stories.

​Here is where you shall find us!

December 2018


We have dedicated this month to love stories  ❤️

You will find us recording at different cafes and Christmas markets around Berlin and we will broadcast a selection of these stories on our radio show @Colaboradio (88.4fm) on the 25th December 

You may also contact us for a private recording at : 

Mi | 05.12 | Mini | 18-21h 

Urbanstrasse 126, 10967 Berlin


Fr | 07.12  | Klunkerkranich Christmas market | 17-22h

Karl-Marx-Straße 66, 12043 Berlin 


Di | 11.12 | Myxa | 17-20h

Lenau Str. 22, 12047 Berlin


Do | 13.12 tentaja Christmas market | 16-21h

Tempelhof Flughafen, Hangar 1, Columbiadamm 10, 12101 Berlin

Mo | 17.12 | Myxa | 17-20h 

Lenau Str. 22, 12047 Berlin

>> Remember that every Monday we put one new story in our online archive >> look for the #storyoftheweek at :  www.storyforfood/storyoftheweek



Every time you record a story to our archive, you participate to the Story Economy, by selecting a token that corresponds to a free drink or a reduced ticket at one of our Story Economy partners around Berlin. 




Berlin Spoken Word (community)

bei CRAFT (bar)

bRICK (coffee shop)

Das Kapital (bar)

Das YogaCafé (coffee shop)

Frollein Langen (café-bar)

IL KINO (cinema) 

Myxa (café restaurant)

Oak & Ice (ice cream shop)

Rises Delicacies (café restaurant)

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte (theatre)

The Circus hostel (café)

Unser Cafe (café restaurant)


The Radio Show

In a western society which is dominated by a never ending stream of visual input, and in which ´storytelling´ is being used as a trend word in the world of marketing, we wish to investigate and foster the essence of stories – using the mass medium that has been the oral storytelling format par excellence: radio.  

In collaboration with Colaboradio, as part of the community radio project, we launched “STORY FOR FOOD The Radio Show” in September 2018.

This is a monthly live radio show dedicated to stories. Every month, we will broadcast stories from our audio archive and invite guests to share live on the air a story on the theme of the month.

The theme of December is "Love Stories" 

Our wish is to foster oral storytelling and help value stories in society, by promoting the practise of sharing them and the culture of listening to them

25 December 2018 @20h - 21h

88.4 MHz in Berlin | 90.7 MHz in Potsdam

online listening:

*** if you have an inspiring love story which you wish to be broadcast, come by to record it this month or contact us for an interview at  


This month we also have an extra radio show dedicated to our Berlin stories on the online radio platform Archipel stations broadcasting from the Zabriskie Bookshop

9 December 2018 @17h - 18h

online listening:


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November 2018


----------------- this is our first pop up Story House and it is moving every month in a different neighbourhood in Berlin -----------------

After 2 years of touring Berlin to record stories, we decided to settle down.

BERLIN STORY HUB is our first pop up Story House and this month is hosted in the heart of Neukölln at the lovely English  bookshop Another Country

We invite you 2 times a week at the BERLIN STORY HUB to record your stories and/or listen to stories of strangers from the SFF Audio Archive. 

We offer free cafe, tea and hot chocolate :))


Another Country

Riemannstr 7

Berlin 10961

Mondays & Wednesdays 17-20h



Every time you record a story to our archive, you participate to the Story Economy, by selecting a token that corresponds to a free drink or a reduced ticket at one of our Story Economy partners around Berlin. 




Berlin Spoken Word (community)

bei CRAFT (bar)

bRICK (coffee shop)

Das Kapital (bar)

Das YogaCafé (coffee shop)

Frollein Langen (café-bar)

IL KINO (cinema) 

Myxa (café restaurant)

Oak & Ice (ice cream shop)

Rises Delicacies (café restaurant)

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte (theatre)

The Circus hostel (café)

Unser Cafe (café restaurant)



in collaboration with the Berlin Couch-surfing Community  

When cities begin to look alike, franchise restaurants next to franchise fashion shops, what distinguishes each one are their people and the stories the traveler encounters. 

We invite everyone returning to Berlin or travelling on to share their stories, memories and experiences.

STORY FOR FOOD meets the Berlin Couch-surfing community at beiCRAFT once a month.

Join us and record your traveling experiences or travel again to new places through the stories of others 

We will cook and eat together and everyone is invited to bring food and snacks to share. 

We look forward to meeting all of you!

6 November 2018 @19h 

beiCRAFT @Glogauair studios, Glogauerstr 16, Berlin 10999



A unique acoustic experience in darkness.

An acoustic cinema night with a selection of stories from our audio archive to be listened in darkness & in different languages with English subtitles.

After the screening, you can also record your story if you wish. 

29 November 2018 @20:30h

Gloagauair studios, Glogauerstr 16, Berlin 10999

Entrance : 3 - 5 euro


The Radio Show

In a western society which is dominated by a never ending stream of visual input, and in which ´storytelling´ is being used as a trend word in the world of marketing, we wish to investigate and foster the essence of stories – using the mass medium that has been the oral storytelling format par excellence: radio.  

In collaboration with Colaboradio, as part of the community radio project, we launched “STORY FOR FOOD The Radio Show” in September 2018.

This is a monthly live radio show dedicated to stories. Every month, we will broadcast stories from our audio archive and invite guests to share live on the air a story on the theme of the month.

The theme of November is "Grandmothers" 

Our show will broadcast live from the bar Das Kapital at the frequency of 88.4 MHz in Berlin and 90.7 MHz in Potsdam

Our wish is to foster oral storytelling and help value stories in society, by promoting the practise of sharing them and the culture of listening to them.

27 November 2018 @20h 

online listening:

*** if you have an inspiring story from your grandmother which you wish to be broadcast, come by to record it at the Berlin Story Hub this month or contact us for an interview at  

———————— In early December we will participate to the “Archipel Stations” online radio project with stories about “Berlin”. If you have an exciting Berlin story, either from the Berlin Wall, or the life in the city, find us at the Berlin Story Hub this month, record your story and we will broadcast it!


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October 2018


----------------- this is our first pop up Story House and it is moving every month in a different neighbourhood in Berlin -----------------

After 2 years of touring Berlin to record stories, we decided to settle down.

BERLIN STORY HUB is our first pop up Story House and this month is hosted in the heart of Neukölln at the lovely jazz club donau115

We invite you 2 times a week at the BERLIN STORY HUB to record your stories and/or listen to stories of strangers from the SFF Audio Archive. 

We offer free cafe, tea and hot chocolate :))



Donaustr 115

Berlin 12043

Tuesdays & Thursdays 16-19h



Every time you record a story to our archive, you participate to the Story Economy, by selecting a token that corresponds to a free drink or a reduced ticket at one of our Story Economy partners around Berlin. 




Berlin Spoken Word (community)

bei CRAFT (bar)

bRICK (coffee shop)

Das Kapital (bar)

Das YogaCafé (coffee shop)

Frollein Langen (café-bar)

IL KINO (cinema) 

Myxa (café restaurant)

Oak & Ice (ice cream shop)

Rises Delicacies (café restaurant)

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte (theatre)

The Circus hostel (café)

Unser Cafe (café restaurant)



in collaboration with the Berlin Couchsurfing Community  

When cities begin to look alike, franchise restaurants next to franchise fashion shops, what distinguishes each one are their people and the stories the traveler encounters. 

We invite everyone returning to Berlin or travelling on to share their stories, memories and experiences.

STORY FOR FOOD meets the Berlin Couchsurfing community at beiCRAFT every first Thursday of the month.

***for this month only, the event will take place the second Thursday of October

Join us and record your traveling experiences and travel again to new places through the stories of others  

We will have an indoor picnic, everyone is invited to bring food and snacks to share. Drinks will be available at the bar of bei CRAFT for their Thirsty Thursday.


We look forward to meeting all of you!

11 October 2018 @19h 

beiCRAFT, Schierker Str. 23, Berlin 12051



A unique acoustic experience in darkness.

An acoustic cinema night with a selection of stories from our audio archive to be listened in darkness & in different languages with English subtitles.

After the screening, you can also record your story if you wish. 

29 October 2018 @19:30h 

Another Country, Riemannstr. 7, Berlin 10961

Entrance : 3 - 5 euro


The Radio Show

In a western society which is dominated by a never ending stream of visual input, and in which ´storytelling´ is being used as a trend word in the world of marketing, we wish to investigate and foster the essence of stories – using the mass medium that has been the oral storytelling format par excellence: radio.  

In collaboration with Colaboradio, as part of the community radio project, we launched “STORY FOR FOOD The Radio Show” in September 2018.

This is a monthly live radio show dedicated to stories. Every month, we will broadcast stories from our audio archive and invite guests to share live on the air a story on the theme of the month.

The theme of October is "The Berlin Wall and other walls" featuring stories from the Berlin Wall and an interview with a journalist using storytelling to document the lives of those living at the Cyprus Buffer Zone.

It will broadcast live from the bar Das Kapital at the frequency of 88.4 MHz in Berlin and 90,7 MHz in Potsdam

Our wish is to foster oral storytelling and help value stories in society, by promoting the practise of sharing them and the culture of listening to them.

23 October 2018 @20h 

online listening:

*** if you have a wall story which you wish to be broadcast, come by to record it at the Berlin Story Hub this month or contact us for an interview at  


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September 2018 


our first Story House

After 2 years of touring Berlin to record stories, we decided to settle down.


BERLIN STORY HUB is our first pop up Story House, hosted in the space of the Lighthaus community in Berlin Friedrichshain.


It aspires to become the home of the SFF Audio Archive and the space where most of the STORY FOR FOOD project’s activities are hosted : from story recordings and a listening installation to story workshops and story cinema nights.

Finally, it is the place where the Story Radio show will be prepared and partly recorded.



Finowstrasse 5

10247 Berlin  




An opportunity to listen to a story of a stranger and/or to record your own.

In September 2018, we invite you 3 times a week we invite you at BERLIN STORY HUB to record your stories and/or listen to stories of strangers from the SFF Audio Archive. 


We offer free cafe, tea and hot chocolate :))


4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28 September 2018  @18-22h

Berlin Story HubFinowstrasse 5, Berlin 10247



Every time you record a story to our archive, you participate to the Story Economy, by selecting a token that corresponds to a free drink or a reduced ticket at one of our Story Economy partners around Berlin. 




Berlin Spoken Word (community)

bei CRAFT (bar)

bRICK (coffee shop)

Das Kapital (bar)

Das YogaCafé (coffee shop)

Frollein Langen (café-bar)

IL KINO (cinema) 

Myxa (café restaurant)

Oak & Ice (ice cream shop)

Rises Delicacies (café restaurant)

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte (theatre)

The Circus hostel (café)

Unser Cafe (café restaurant)



In collaboration with the Berlin Couchsurfing Community  

When cities begin to look alike, franchise restaurants next to franchise fashion shops, what distinguishes each one are their people and the stories the traveler encounters. 

With summer ending, we invite everyone returning to Berlin or travelling on to share their stories, memories and experiences.

STORY FOR FOOD meets the Berlin Couchsurfing community at beiCRAFT every first Thursday of the month. Record your traveling experiences and travel again to new places through the stories of others 

We will have an indoor picnic, everyone is invited to bring food and snacks to share. Drinks will be available at the bar of bei CRAFT for their Thirsty Thursday. We look forward to meeting all of you!



6 September 2018 @19h 

beiCRAFT, Schierker Str. 23, Berlin 12051



A unique acoustic experience in darkness.

An acoustic cinema night with a selection of stories from our audio archive to be listened in darkness & in different languages with English subtitles.

After the screening, you can also record your story if you wish. 

20 September 2018 @20h 

Berlin Story Hub, Finowstrasse 5, Berlin 10247 

Entrance : 3 - 5 euro


The Radio Show

In a western society which is dominated by a never ending stream of visual input, and in which ´storytelling´ is being used as a trend word in the world of marketing, we wish to investigate and foster the essence of stories – using the mass medium that has been the oral storytelling format par excellence: radio.  

In collaboration with Colaboradio, as part of the community radio project, we launch “STORY FOR FOOD The Radio Show” in September 2018. This is a monthly live radio show dedicated to stories. Every month, we will broadcast stories from our audio archive and invite guests to share live on the air a story on the theme of the month.

Our wish is to foster oral storytelling and help value stories in society, by promoting the practise of sharing them and the culture of listening to them.

On the first show, we will share the background story of the project, interview a story collector and the FOODBACK artist about their experience on working with SFF, and introduce the concept of the Story Economy we wish to establish in Berlin. We will also broadcast some of our favourite stories from the SFF Audio Archive and have a couple of guests to share their stories live.

It will broadcast live from the bar Das Kapital at the frequency of 88.4 MHz in Berlin and 90,7 MHz in Potsdam

25 September 2018 @20h 

online listening:


SFF 2 years party     

On the 5th September 2018, it’s two years since the idea of  STORY FOR FOOD was born. Our first recordings came a couple of months later, on the 11.11.2016

On the 29th September we are going to celebrate the 2 years of the project, as well as the opening of BELRIN STORY HUB, with a small footage of our best moments.


29 September 2018 @21h 

Frollein Langner, Weisestraße 34,  Berlin 12049


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August 2018


July 2018



An opportunity to listen to a story of a stranger and/or to record your own.

As part of building up our Story Audio Archive we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost. The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

At the same time, we carry around our story listening installation, with a selection of stories from our archive, so that you may have the chance to listen to stories of strangers.

We heartily welcome all storytellers and story lovers.

4, 9, 13, 20, 26 & 30 July 2018  @19-22h

Myxa CaféLenaustraße 22, Berlin 12047  

16 & 17 July 2018  @19-22h

Frollein LangnerWeisestraße 34, Berlin 12049  

24 & 31 July 2018  @19-22h

be'kech, Exerzierstrasse 14, Berlin 13357 

26 July 2018  @17h

LernLaden - ProjekteHausKarl-Marx-str 122, Berlin 12049  



Every time you record a story to our archive, you participate to the Story Economy, by selecting a token that corresponds to a free drink or a reduced ticket at one of our Story Economy partners around Berlin. 

We are happy to welcome within the Story Economy network a new partners this month : beiCRAFT.





Berlin Spoken Word (community)

bei CRAFT (bar)

bRICK (coffee shop)

Das Kapital (bar)

Das YogaCafé (coffee shop)

Frollein Langen (café-bar)

IL KINO (cinema) 

Myxa (café restaurant)

Rises Delicacies (café restaurant)

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte (theatre)

The Circus hostel (café)

Unser Cafe (café restaurant)



A unique acoustic experience in darkness.

An acoustic cinema night with a selection of stories from our audio archive to be listened in darkness & in different languages with English subtitles.

After the screening, you can also record your story if you wish. 

8 July 2018 @20h 

DuBeast, Innstr. 4, Berlin 12045  

19 July 2018 @20h 

beiCRAFT, Schierker Str. 23, Berlin 12051


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Our Crowdfunding Campaign is extended to 18th July!

More details: indiegogo & video

Closing Party 

18 July 2018 @20h

Frollein Langner, Weisestraße 34, Berlin Neukölln 12049

June 2018

In May 2018 you will find us :

  1. at open air story recordings (parks and lakes around Berlin)

  2. filming and montaging the STORY FOR FOOD documentary (by the filmmaker Carman Ho)

  3. at story #specific events in collaboration with with the projects LernLaden and Dialog macht Schule  

  4. preparing our Crowdfunding Campaign 



This month we will also Introduce a new - BACK event: 



We record your story and send it by post to the person you decide.

A special gift to a dear one : a secret, a confession, a shared memory,

an anniversary present, a birthday surprise. 

A chance to stir up memories and feelings, to re-connect with someone and “feel your story back”. 





In June 2018, we run our first Crowdfunding Campaign. 

This will be also a chance to celebrate stories and an opportunity to provide you with a taste of the STORY FOR FOOD project. 

We will have a STORY VAN for story recordings and listening sessions, several story related events around the city and a network of different establishments around Berlin accepting stories for a selection of goods and services (STORY ECONOMY model) 



​​As part of building up our  #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE  we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost. The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

At the same time, we carry around our story listening installation, with a selection of stories from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE, so that you may have the possibility to listen to stories of strangers.

We heartily welcome all storytellers and story lovers.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

During April 2018 ​our STORY INSTALLATION will be moving at:

 The Circus Hostel, Weinbergsweg 1A, Berlin Mitte 10119 

// 5 - 12 April, daily 18-21h //

 Café bRICK, Lenaustr. 1, Berlin Neukölln 12047

// 13 - 20 April, daily 18-21h // 

Berliner Stadtbibliothek (BStB), Breite Str. 30-36, Berlin Mitte 10178

// 23 - 28 April, daily 14-17h //

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April 2018 

FOOD STORIES @Social Cooking (open kitchen)

in collaboration with GIVE SOMETHING BACK TO BERLIN community 

7 April 2018 - 13h

Sharehaus Refugio, Lenaustr. 4 Berlin Neukölln 12047

A special day with stories and tastes from around the world.

We will cook together, eat together, share food stories, listen to stories of strangers from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE and record our own stories. 

Open Kitchen’s dinners are famous for bringing together people who just arrived in the city and look for a sense of home. 

This will be an opportunity to also record stories about food and around food and to get inspired by the words and tastes of fellow expats.

We'll meet for shopping at 13h at Refugio.

Cooking starts roughly at 14h

And we should have some food on the table for 16h



& S O N G B A C K 


22 April 2018 - 19h

DuBeast, Innstraße 4, Berlin Neukölln 12045 

A unique experience with stories, music and songs in darkness.


An acoustic cinema night with a selection of stories from our audio archive to be listened in darkness & in different languages with English subtitles. Some of the stories are accompanied by the music that the Italian composer Louis (Gigi) de Cicco wrote specifically for each story.


by Eddy Ruiz 

The songwriter Eddy Ruiz will transform some stories into songs which he will perform live. Your adventures and feelings of each story will be translated into words and melodies for a “telling to singing” experience: from the speaking word to the singing narrative.

A chance to “sing a story”.

Entrance: 3 euro 


C O M I N G B A C K 


29 April 2018 - 17h

Freie Internationale Tankstelle, Schwedter Str. 262, Berlin 10119

with the storytellers Alejandro Niklison, Carman Ho, Ka Leung, Alejandro Ugarriza, Eddy Ruiz, Berkay Cinoglu, Constantina Spyrou

This is a human installation in a public space. A one-to-one story sharing experience : when teller and listener come together. As a storyteller is a chance to “come back to your story” and as a story listener an opportunity to “meet the person behind the voice”. 


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March 2018 



​​As part of building up our  #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE  we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost. The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

At the same time, we carry around our story listening installation, with a selection of stories from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE, so that you may have the possibility to listen to stories of strangers.

We heartily welcome all storytellers and story lovers.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

During March 2018 ​our STORY INSTALLATION will be moving at:

 Theaterhaus Berlin MitteWallst. 32, HAUS C,, Berlin Mitte 10179 

// 1 - 10 March, daily 16-19h //

 Café Katulki, Friedelstr 40, Berlin Neukölln 12047

// 12 - 19 March daily 11-14h // 

Frollein Langner, Weisestraße 34, Berlin Neukölln 12049 

// 21 - 30 March, daily 18-21h //

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F O O D B A C K 


byJennifer Juba

17 March 2018 - 20h

Contemporary Food Lab, Bergstraße 22, 10115 Berlin

The Canadian visual artist and chef Jennifer Juba will transform 3 stories into specific meals. The senses and feelings of the stories will be translated into taste for a “mouth to mouth” experience: from telling your story to consuming your memory or imagination. A chance to “taste a story”.

1 menu with 3 courses = 22 euro 

including a glass of wine

(extra wine will be available for purchase)

>> Only by reservation at: till the 14.02 

The dinner is VEGETARIAN

*Please site any extra dietary requirements when booking

-------  We will have the chance to listen to each story before tasting it (the stories are either in English or with English subtitles) -------



A R T B A C K 


A group exhibition by Gosha Zmyslowska (illustrations), Vanessa Rodegher (animations), Nora Landes (photography), Berkay Cinoglu (collage), Alejandro Ugarriza (art objects), Gigi de Cicco (music compositions)

21 - 29 March 2018 

Frollein Langner, Weisesstr. 34, Berlin 12049 

Opening : 21 March 2018, 19h  

Our group of artists will transform a selection of stories into animation films, illustrations, collage, photography, art objects and music compositions.

The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.


All selected stories will be available for listening. 


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February 2018 



​​As part of building up our  #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE  we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost. The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

At the same time, we carry around our story listening installation, with a selection of stories from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE, so that you may have the possibility to listen to stories of strangers.

We heartily welcome all storytellers and story lovers.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

During February 2018 ​our STORY INSTALLATION will be moving at:

Das Gift, Donaustraße 119, Berlin Neukölln 12043

// 02 - 08 February, daily 18-21h //

TEE.SALON.IKI, Böckhstraße 50, Berlin Kreuzberg 10967 

// 09 - 15 February, daily 16-19h //

Frollein Langner, Weisestraße 34, Berlin Neukölln 12049 

// 16 - 22 February, daily 18-21h //

 Theaterhaus Berlin MitteWallst. 32, HAUS C,, Berlin Mitte 10179 

// 23 - 28 February, daily 18-21h //

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F O O D B A C K 


byJennifer Juba

10 February 2018 - 20h

Contemporary Food Lab, Bergstraße 22, 10115 Berlin

The Canadian visual artist and chef Jennifer Juba will transform 3 stories into specific meals. The senses and feelings of the stories will be translated into taste for a “mouth to mouth” experience: from telling your story to consuming your memory or imagination. A chance to “taste a story”.

1 menu with 3 courses = 20 euro 

including a glass of wine

(extra wine will be available for purchase)

>> Only by reservation at: till the 08.02 

*Please site any dietary requirements when booking

-------  We will have the chance to listen to each story before tasting it (the stories are either in English or with English subtitles) -------



M U S I C B A C K 


by Louis (Gigi) De Cicco

26 February 2018 - 20h

Deriva Bar, Mainzer Str. 23, 12053 Berlin

The music composer Gigi De Cicco will transform 7 stories into specific melodies. The sensations and experiences of every story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music. A chance to “listen to your story”.

In collaboration with Ofen Concerts, a concept where headphones are used in order to create a respectful and intimate experience.


Louis DeCicco is an italian composer and guitar player. His playing incorporates primitive traditions and rituals from America, Africa, Mediterranean sea and is strongly influenced by mystic literature, physical theatre, poetry, meditation. Each instrument is played in order to disclose his hypnotic and ancestral sense and stimulate the imagination of people.





Our story installation will visit the AGB with a selection of 14 love stories in 5 languages (German, English, Italian, Spanish, Turkish) for an intimate listening experience.

This is an opportunity to listen to a love story from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE as well as to record your own story. 

Sunday 25 February 2018 

13 - 16h 

Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek (AGB)

Blücherpl. 1, 10961 Berlin 

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January 2018 



​​As part of building up our  #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE  we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories, stories that otherwise would be lost. The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

At the same time, we carry around our story listening installation, with a selection of stories from the #SFFAUDIOARCHIVE, so that you may have the possibility to listen to stories of strangers.

We heartily welcome all storytellers and story lovers.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

During this month (January 2018) ​our STORY INSTALLATION will be moving at:

TEE.SALON.IKI, Böckhstraße 50, Berlin Kreuzberg 10967 

IL KINO, Nansenstr 22, Berlin Neukölln 12047 

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte, Wallst 32, Berlin Mitte 10179

Das Gift, Donaustraße 119, Berlin Neukölln 12043

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December 2017 

STORY FOR FOOD (SFF) opens a call for the first 

STORYSHIP Exchange Program

that will take place in Berlin from 20 January - 20 April 2018

More info about the program here

In order to apply, please fill in and send the application form below, together with a motivation letter to between the 10.11 - 20.12.2017 

 >> download the Application Form here



for a selection of stories in Italian, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese

STORY FOR FOOD holds a story-listening installation, at IL KINOwhere a selection of stories from the SFF Story Archive will be made available anonymously for an intimate listening experience.

IL KINO, Cafe Bar Cinema

Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin 


​As part of building up our #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE we tour Berlin to record undocumented stories and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover ..  We offer one chocolate for every story ♥ 

The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

This month (December 2017) you will find us during weekdays at:

Bar Italia Zart, Schinkestr 14, Berlin Neukölln 12047

IL KINO Berlin, Nansenstr 22, Berlin Neukölln 12047 

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte, Wallst 32, Berlin Mitte 10179

Love Story of Berlin, Kastanienallee, 88, Berlin Prenzlauer berg 10435



by the confectioners of Café Wanderlust 

The confectioners of Café Wanderlust will translate 3 stories into 3 cakes, that you will have the chance to taste over the weekend of 15 - 17 December. The sweetness or bitterness in the stories will be translated into materials, colours and shapes for a “heart to mouth” experience: from how your story feels like, to how it tastes. A chance to “taste your story”.

The sweetest way to finish our story year! 

>> During the SWEETBACK weekend, you can also enjoy our STORY LISTENING INSTALLATION at Café Wanderlust for a selection of 17 stories from the SFF Story Audio Archive. 

Friday 15 December - Sunday 17 December 2017 

10 -18h 


Gleimstr. 40

Berlin 10437

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November 2017 

STORY FOR FOOD (SFF) opens a call for the first 

STORYSHIP Exchange Program

that will take place in Berlin from 20 January - 20 April 2018

More info about the program here

In order to apply, please fill in and send the application form below, together with a motivation letter to between the 10.11 - 20.12.2017 

 >> download the Application Form here


for a selection of stories in Italian, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese

STORY FOR FOOD holds a story-listening installation, at IL KINOwhere a selection of stories from the SFF Story Archive will be made available anonymously for an intimate listening experience.

IL KINO, Cafe Bar Cinema

Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin 


​As part of building up our #STORYAUDIOARCHIVE we tour to Berlin record undocumented stories and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover ..  We offer one chocolate for every story ♥ 

The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

Every month we choose different flea markets, cafés, cinemas, bookshops and theatres for our recordings. 

This month (November 2017) you will find us during weekdays at:

Bar Italia Zart, Schinkestr 14, Berlin Neukölln 12047

IL KINO Berlin, Nansenstr 22, Berlin Neukölln 12047 

Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte, Wallst 32, Berlin Mitte 10179

Love Story of Berlin, Kastanienallee, 88, Berlin Prenzlauer berg 10435


#STORYFORFOOD & LE SALON hold a special story night with: 


M U S I C B A C K  
by the music composer Louis (Gigi) de Cicco

Gigi will transform a selection of 7 stories into melodies. 
The sensations and experiences in each story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music.
We offer the experience of listening the stories in darkness, accompanied live by the music of Gigi.
The stories are in different languages with subtitles in English.


A R T B A C K 
by the visual artists Vanessa Rodegher and Malgorzata Zmyslowska 

Vanessa and Gosha will transform a selection of stories into animation films and illustrations.
The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.


After the event, you will have the chance to talk with Christina Kyriazidi, the founder of SFF, and the artists Gigi de Cicco, Vanessa Rodegher and Malgorzata Zmyslowska about the process of "translating" stories into different entities. 

Organised by LE SALON

Saturday 25 November 2017 @ 20h


Karl-Marx-Platz 18

Berlin 12043

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October 2017 


for a selection of stories in Italian, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese

STORY FOR FOOD holds a story-listening installation, at IL KINOwhere a selection of stories from the SFF Story Archive will be made available anonymously for an intimate listening experience.

IL KINO, Cafe Bar Cinema

Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin 


We tour open markets to record undocumented stories and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover ..  We offer one chocolate for every story ♥ 

The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

Tuesdays      &.     Fridays 

✿ Türkischer Markt 

Maybachufer, 12047 Berlin 



by the visual artists Vanessa Rodegher and Malgorzata Zmyslowska 

Vanessa and Gosha will transform a selection of stories into animation films and illustrations.

The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.

The selected stories will be made available for listening with headphones.

28 October 2017 @19h 

IL KINO, Cafe Bar Cinema

Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin

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September 2017 


for a selection of stories in Italian, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese


STORY FOR FOOD holds a story-listening installation, at IL KINOwhere a selection of stories from the SFF Story Archive will be made available anonymously for an intimate listening experience.

 15.09 - 15.10.2017

IL KINO, Cafe Bar Cinema

Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin 



by the music composer Louis (Gigi) DeCicco


Gigi will transform 7 stories into specific melodies. The sensations and experiences of every story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music. A chance to “listen to your story”.


Louis DeCicco is an italian composer and guitar player. His playing incorporates primitive traditions and rituals from America, Africa, Mediterranean sea and is strongly influenced by mystic literature, physical theatre, poetry, meditation. Each instrument is played in order to disclose his hypnotic and ancestral sense and stimulate the imagination of people.

Sunday 03.09 16h

COFFI Italian Interdisciplinary Festival 

Kühlhaus Berlin, Luckenwalder Str.3, 10963 Berlin, Germany

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Friday 8 September 2017

IL KINO, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin


This month our initiative becomes one year old and we would love to celebrate with you with stories and music :

19htill the end of the night, in the café space of IL KINO 



by the visual artists Vanessa Rodegher , Malgorzata Zmyslowskand Alejandro Niklison

Vanessa, Gosha and Alejandro will transform each story into artworks: animation films, illustrations and an art installations. The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.

The selected stories will be made available for listening with headphones.

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August 2017 


#STORYFORFOOD offers a free workshop on STORYTELLING & STORY-LISTENING on Wednesdays @DuBeast (Innstr. 4, 12045 Neukölln) 

"After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the 

thing we need most in the world.” - Philip Pullman


We are our stories, the stories we are told and the stories we tell ourselves. We create stories to define our existence: “I tell a story therefore I exist, I exist because there are stories"

What are the stories that need to be told and need to be heard? What makes them unique? How we tell stories? Could we become more creative and constructive with our memories? How to become active listeners and listen effectively to the stories of others? What the stories of strangers have to teach us about ourselves? 


We shall explore basic elements of story-dramaturgy: beginning-middle-end, anticipation, change, tension, conflict, transformation, sympathy, contradictions, character inner motivations, line of emotions and relations, rhythm and timing. 


The workshop is open to everyone and aspires to create a group of oral storytelling. We hope to help participants acknowledge the importance of their stories, train their storytelling skills, explore personal and fictitious realities, and form stories out of their memories and imagination.

In the end, everyone is welcome to record a story as part of the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. The story can be true or fictitious, or true with fictitious elements, like a fictionalised memory etc.


The workshop is held by the playwrights Alexie Leonard and Christina Kyriazidi.


On Thursdays (19-22h) we are at the lovely IL KINO (Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Neukölln) and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one reduced cinema ticket (for the projections @20h and @22h) for every story ♥ 
If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - join us!

>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 

✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

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July 2017 


STORY FOR FOOD presents SFF#3 Festival - the last of a series of weekend-festivals this summer, where a selection of stories are translated into different entities (food, art objects, music)

Friday 25 August 2017

IL KINO, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin


18htill the end of the night, in the café space of IL KINO 



by the visual artists Vanessa Rodegher and Malgorzata Zmyslowska 

Vanessa and Gosha will transform a selection of stories into animation films and illustrations.

The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.

The selected stories will be made available for listening with headphones.

(free of charge) 

19hinside the cinema room 



by the music composer Louis (Gigi) de Cisco

Gigi will transform a selection of 7 stories into melodies. 

The sensations and experiences in each story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music.

We offer the experience of listening the stories in the darkness of the cinema room, accompanied live by the music of Gigi.

The stories are in different languages with subtitles in English.

(entrance 5 euro)

Saturday 26 August 2017

18h - BaleraKarl Marx Platz 6, 12043 Berlin



STORY FOR FOOD for the first time, holds a story-listening event,

in the pre-opening party of the "COFFI Italian Interdisciplinary Festival"

where a selection of Italian stories will be made available anonymously for an intimate listening experience.

Sunday 27 August 2017

19h - Du BeastInnstr. 4, 12045 Berlin Neukölln

STORY TANDEM : love stories 

STORY FOR FOOD meets Berlin Spoken Word for a story-exchange experiment : an eye to eye experience with a stranger where you share a story on a specific theme.

We are our stories, the stories we are told and the stories we tell ourselves.
How do we share a story with a stranger?
What the stories of strangers have to teach us about ourselves?

Our wish is to bring people from different communities together through their stories. We aspire to find out how personal stories can become collective stories, how memories and imaginations of different people meet.

During the session the stories will be recorded as part of the STORY FOR FOOD audio library. The shared stories can be true or fictitious, or true with fictitious elements, like a fictionalised memory etc.

The event is open to everyone and the tandem couples will be selected by chance. Every couple will be given a private space for the story sharing experience for approximately 20m.














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#STORYFORFOOD offers a free workshop on STORYTELLING & STORY-LISTENING on Wednesdays @DuBeast (Innstr. 4, 12045 Neukölln) 

"After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the 

thing we need most in the world.” - Philip Pullman


We are our stories, the stories we are told and the stories we tell ourselves. We create stories to define our existence: “I tell a story therefore I exist, I exist because there are stories"

What are the stories that need to be told and need to be heard? What makes them unique? How we tell stories? Could we become more creative and constructive with our memories? How to become active listeners and listen effectively to the stories of others? What the stories of strangers have to teach us about ourselves? 


We shall explore basic elements of story-dramaturgy: beginning-middle-end, anticipation, change, tension, conflict, transformation, sympathy, contradictions, character inner motivations, line of emotions and relations, rhythm and timing. 


The workshop is open to everyone and aspires to create a group of oral storytelling. We hope to help participants acknowledge the importance of their stories, train their storytelling skills, explore personal and fictitious realities, and form stories out of their memories and imagination.

In the end, everyone is welcome to record a story as part of the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. The story can be true or fictitious, or true with fictitious elements, like a fictionalised memory etc.


The workshop is held by the playwrights Alexie Leonard and Christina Kyriazidi.


On Thursdays (19-22h) we are at the lovely IL KINO (Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Neukölln) and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one reduced cinema ticket (for the projections @20h and @22h) for every story ♥ 
If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - join us!

>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 

✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

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June 2017 


STORY FOR FOOD presents SFF#2 Festival - the second of a series of weekend-festivals this summer, where a selection of stories are translated into food, cupcakes, art objects and music.

Friday 28 July 2017

21h - Du BeastInnstr. 4, 12045 Berlin Neukölln



by the visual artists Vanessa Rodegher, Malgorzata Zmyslowska and Alejandro Niklison

Vanessa, Gosha and Alejandro will transform each story into artworks: animation films, illustrations and installations. The emotions of each story will be translated into material for a “telling to touching” experience: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an object. A chance to “touch a story”.


come over to celebrate stories and summer with us! 

live concert by Musgos Band

Saturday 29 July 2017

20h - Fehrbelliner Straße 5, 10119 Berlin Mitte 



by Emad Soliman

Emad will transform 3 stories into specific meals. The senses and feelings of the stories will be translated into taste for a “mouth to mouth” experience: from telling your story to consuming your memory or imagination. A chance to “taste a story”.

1 menu with 3 courses =  20 euro 

optional wine or beer pairing = 17 euro 

house wine and beer will be available by the glass 

please indicate if you will be drinking or not with your booking (either pairing or house) 

Only by reservation >> by the 28.07

*please site any dietary requirements when booking


Sunday 30 July 2017

18h - Du BeastInnstr. 4, 12045 Berlin Neukölln

STORY TANDEM : our Berlin stories 

STORY FOR FOOD meets Berlin Spoken Word for a story-exchange experiment : an eye to eye experience with a stranger where you share a story on a specific theme.

We are our stories, the stories we are told and the stories we tell ourselves.
How do we share a story with a stranger?
What the stories of strangers have to teach us about ourselves?

Our wish is to bring people from different communities together through their stories. We aspire to find out how personal stories can become collective stories, how memories and imaginations of different people meet.

During the session the stories will be recorded as part of the STORY FOR FOOD audio library. The shared stories can be true or fictitious, or true with fictitious elements, like a fictionalised memory etc.

The event is open to everyone and the tandem couples will be selected by chance. Every couple will be given a private space for the story sharing experience for approximately 20m.














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On Thursdays (19-22h) we are at the lovely IL KINO (Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Neukölln) and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one reduced cinema ticket (for the projections @20h and @22h) for every story ♥ 
If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - join us!

>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 

✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.


On Saturdays (20-23h) we are at LUST (Torstr. 225, 10115 Mitte), a beautiful french wine bar, and we heartily welcome any story teller and

any story lover .. 

We offer one glass of wine for every story ♥ 

If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - join us!
>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 

✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.

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May 2017 

STORY FOR FOOD organises STORY CIRCLES, in English and in Spanish, with the aim to create small story communities on specific subjects. 

Each STORY CIRCLE is an opportunity to train your STORYTELLING & STORY-LISTENING skills, by generating trust and helping participants explore different personal and fictitious realities.

We will introduce basic principles of oral storytelling and encourage participants to shape and share stories out of their personal memories and creative imagination.


  • BERLIN STORIES (English)   Berlin U

Tuesday the 16th May @ 19-21h

Cuore di Vetro, Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Berlin Mitte

  • GRANDMOTHER STORIES (Spanish)   Abuelas

Wednesday the 17th May @ 19-21h

Cuore di Vetro, Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Berlin Mitte

  • LOVE STORIES (English)   

Thursday the 18th May @ 19-21h

Cuore di Vetro, Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Berlin Mitte

  • GRANDMOTHER STORIES (English)   Grandmas 

  • Sunday the 21st May @ 17-19h

Cuore di Vetro, Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Berlin Mitte

>> if you wish to record your story within the STORY FOT FOOD initiative:

STORY RECORDINGS will take place

on the 23, 25 and 30 of May @ 19-22h

IL KINO, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin Neukölln

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STORY FOR FOOD presents SFF#1 Festival - the first of a series of weekend-festivals this summer, where a selection of stories are translated into food, cupcakes, art objects and music.

Friday 23 June 2017

21:30h - IL KINONansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin



by the music composer Louis de Cicco

Gigi will transform each story into a specific melody. The sensations and experiences in the story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music. A chance to “listen to your story”.

*** for the first time we will offer the experience of listening the stories in the darkness of the cinema room, accompanied live by the music of Gigi

The stories are in different languages with subtitles in English.

entrance: 10 euro 

Saturday 24 June 2017

19h - WALE Café, Hobrechtstrasse 24, 12047 Berlin, Germany



by the visual artists Nancy Jones and Adrian Pocobelli

Nancy and Adrian will transform each story into artworks. The emotions of the story will be translated into images: from the intangible of a narrative to the tangible of an artwork, a chance to “see your story”.


come over to celebrate stories and summer with us! 

live concert by Musgos Band














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March & April 2017


STORY FOR FOOD invites you to its event MUSICBACK & SWEETBACK, a special concert at Cuore di Vetro on the 7th April 2017 @20h, where a selection of stories are translated into music and cupcakes. A chance to taste each others memories, listen melodies inspired from real or imaginary experiences, remember old stories and create new ones


The music composer Gigi de Cicco will transform a selection of stories into melodies. The sensations and experiences in your story will be translated into music for a “telling to feeling” experience: from the concrete form of a narrative to the unformed feeling of music. A chance to “listen to your story”.

The concert is free (donations are welcome) and you can also purchase the CD with the story-melodies on that day.



The confectioner Angelika Kaswalder will transform a selection of stories into cupcakes. The sweetness or bitterness in your story will be translated into materials, colours and shapes for a “heart to mouth” experience: from how your story feels like, to how it tastes. A chance to “taste your story”.

Cupcakes : 3 euro/unit 


7 April 2017 @21h 

Cuore di Vetro

Max-Beerstr. 33

10119 Berlin


“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman


What happens to the stories of our childhood, to our grandmother’s tales and the myths of our culture? What happens to our love stories and the memories of our youth? 

We are our stories, the stories we are told and the stories we tell ourselves. We create stories to define our existence: “I tell a story therefore I exist, I exist because there are stories"

But do we know how to tell stories? How to be creative and constructive with our stories and how to listen effectively to the stories of others? 


STORY FOR FOOD offers a free workshop of STORYTELLING & STORY-LISTENING. It aspires to form a group of oral story telling, using role play that lead to tales out of personal memories and creative imagination. 


We shall explore basic elements of story-dramaturgy: beginning-middle-end, anticipation, change, tension, conflict, transformation, sympathy, contradictions, character inner motivations, line of emotions and relations, rhythm and timing. 

The workshop aspires to help participants train their storytelling skills, explore personal and fictitious realities, and form stories out of their memories and imagination.


In the end, everyone is welcome to record a story as part of the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. The story can be true or fictitious, or true with fictitious elements, like a fictionalised memory etc.


The workshop is held by Christina Kyriazidi (actress, playwright) in Cuore di Vetro (Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Mitte) on Saturday 25 March 2017 @18-21h and it is free of charge. 



More info and registration:


Christina Kyriazidi - actress, playwright


On Mondays (18-21h) we are at the amazing CUORE DI VETRO (Max-Beerstr. 33, 10119 Mitte) and we heartly welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one ice-cream ball for every story ♥ 

Cuore di Vetro is a lovely homemade-ice-cream shop, a finalist for the best ice-cream worldwide and winner of the best ice-cream in

If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - come over! 
>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 
✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.



On Tuesdays (16-19h) we are at the sweet CAFFÈ MONELLI (Greifenhagener Straße 53, 10437 Prenzlauer Berg) and we heartly welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one café for every story ♥ 
If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - come over! 
>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 
✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.


On Thursdays (19-22h) we are at the beautiful IL KINO (Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Neukölln) and we heartily welcome any story teller and any story lover .. 

We offer one reduced cinema ticket (for the projections @20h and @22h) for every story ♥ 
If you have a story to share or if you are just curious about the SFF initiative - come over! 

>> REMEMBER: It is not an open mic. It is a private recording of your story and an introduction to the STORY FOR FOOD initiative. 

✿ The stories can be of any length, of any theme and in any language.